How To Avoid Ultra-Processed Foods

How To Avoid Ultra-Processed Foods

In today's fast-paced and convenience-driven world, ultra-processed foods have become all too common. These Frankenfoods are so far from actual food they can have catastrophic health implications

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If you're looking to make positive changes to your diet and steer clear of ultra-processed foods, this blog is here to help. We'll explore practical tips and strategies to help you make healthier food choices and adopt a diet that prioritises whole, nutrient-dense options.

How to avoid ultra-processed foods: Prioritise whole foods

One of the most effective ways to avoid ultra-processed foods is to prioritise whole foods in your diet. Opt for fresh fruits, vegetables, whole grains, nuts, seeds and legumes. These unprocessed or minimally processed foods are nutrient-dense and offer a wide range of health benefits.

Incorporating these foods into your daily diet will not only promote better nutrition but also naturally reduce the space for ultra-processed options.

how to avoid ultra processed foods - fruit and vegetables

Colourful fruit and veg: the definition of nutrient-dense food

How to avoid ultra-processed foods: Read food labels

When doing your food shopping, be cognisant and take the time to read food labels carefully. Look out for ingredients that are difficult to pronounce or understand as they may indicate the presence of artificial additives and chemicals.

Ultra-processed foods often have long lists of ingredients, while whole foods tend to have shorter, more straightforward ingredient lists.

how to avoid ultra processed foods - read the label

Learn to understand food labels - ultra-processed foods are often hiding in plain sight

How to avoid ultra-processed foods: Cook meals at home

Cooking at home gives you more control over what you eat. When you prepare your food, select fresh ingredients and cook them in healthier ways, avoiding the excessive processing that occurs in pre-packaged meals. Experiment with new recipes using whole foods and enjoy the satisfaction of creating nourishing dishes from scratch.

Need recipe ideas? Check these out.

How to avoid ultra-processed foods: Reduce consumption of packaged snacks and fizzy drinks

Packaged snacks and fizzy drinks are classic examples of ultra-processed foods. These products are typically high in empty calories and provide little nutritional value. Instead of reaching for a bag of crisps or fizzy drink to quench your thirst or hunger, opt for whole food alternatives like fresh fruit, nuts or homemade snacks like veggie sticks with hummus. Better yet, grab a 100% natural protein bar. Staying hydrated with water or herbal teas is a healthier choice than drinks laced with artificial sweetners and colours.

how to avoid ultra processed foods - fizzy drinks

A classic (but often overlooked) ultra-processed food

How to avoid ultra-processed foods: Be mindful of food marketing

Ultra-processed foods are often heavily marketed and packaged to appear appealing and convenient. Be cautious of misleading claims on food packaging that may make products seem healthier than they actually are. 'High protein low sugar' is a classic, and usually found on something sweeter than a Mars bar. This trick is achieved with boatloads of artifcial sweetener which is worse for you than the sugar it replaces. 

Learn to recognise marketing tactics and rely on your knowledge of whole foods and healthy ingredients to make informed decisions. Being educated is a huge way to combat accidental consumption of ultra-processed foods.

How to avoid ultra-processed foods: Conclusion

Always read the ingredients labels of your sports nutrition. While 33Fuel is always 100% natural, many contain ultra processed foods

Avoiding ultra-processed foods is a journey toward better health and well-being. By prioritising whole foods, reading food labels, cooking at home, reducing packaged snacks and fizzy drinks and being mindful of food marketing, you can take significant steps toward adopting a healthier and more balanced diet.

Remember that small changes can lead to significant improvements over time. Gradually incorporating these tips into your lifestyle will not only help you avoid ultra-processed foods but also contribute to better overall health and vitality. Empower yourself with knowledge and make conscious choices for a happier, healthier you.

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