Alpe d'Huez triathlon kit list

Alpe d'Huez triathlon kit list


We're going to keep it simple for this Alpe d'Huez triathlon kit list because we know you're a smart bunch so will assume you can remember to pack your race duds, number belt, clean socks and so on. These are just the key differences in kit considerations for this race as opposed to a regular tri. Let's get to it.

Wetsuit: no matter how hot the day, it's still a glacial lake you'll be swimming in. You will be wearing a wetsuit

Bike: TT bikes only work if you’re a double fast tri nutcase and they don’t like hills much. An aero tuck up Alpe d’Huez won’t just look silly, it will also be a nightmare for 99.9% of us. Instead, you want a fast road steed you’re comfortable on.

Helmet: as above, an aero lid will cook your brains like that monkey out of Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom. You want as light as you can find with every vent going. If hot on race day, remember there are streams pouring down the side of Alpe d'Huez at the roadside you can stick your head in

Run shoes: with road and trail for the run, lightweight tri race kicks are out, a good all-round shoe is in. Fit elastic laces (available for peanuts on ebay) to save seconds in transition.

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