How to pack for an ultramarathon.

How to pack for an ultramarathon.

How to eat (and pack) for an ultramarathon with the Jungle Ultra team and 33Fuel

This video courtesy of seasoned Jungle Ultra ace and 33Fuel customer Archie Stewart along with race director Kris King absolutely nails every key element of packing and eating for a multi-day ultra.

In a nutshell:

1 Test in training

2 Strip all unnecessary packaging

3 Listen to your body

4 Prepare well in advance and analyse every detail

You’ll also notice Archie mentioning how our Chia Energy Gels help settle his stomach, and how if he doesn’t eat his daily ration of them, he enjoys the remainder at the end of the stage while chilling in his hammock. If your gels don’t make you feel like this, you may want to try ours. We’re all an experiment of one, but this is precisely what we made these gels to do and we’re stoked to hear so many athletes experiencing the same benefits we do.

But enough of our waffle, just check the video, it’s a blinder:


Got a major multi-day ultra coming up? Check out our Pure Endurance Bundle to get your nutrition into gear with big taste, huge benefits and light weight

©33Fuel™, Fueling limitless performance since 2012


Chia Energy Gel
Ultimate Daily Greens Powder
Premium Protein Powder
Amore Natural Energy Bar