Vitamin D Deficiency Symptoms

Vitamin D Deficiency Symptoms

Vitamin D deficiency is linked to a range of serious health conditions so spotting symptoms early is crucial. Some vitamin D deficiency symptoms such as fatigue and depression could also be signs of other issues

Vitamin D deficiency – what does it cause?

Vitamin D helps keeps your bones healthy and strong by aiding the absorption of calcium. Vitamin D deficiency has been linked to:

  • Heart disease and high blood pressure
  • Immune system disorders
  • Cancers such as colon, prostate and breast
  • Multiple sclerosis
  • Diabetes

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Where to find Vitamin D?

We’ve written an article detailing the Top 5 Vitamin D food sources.

vitamin d deficiency symptoms - mushrooms are a great source

Mushrooms are a great food source of vitamin D

Vitamin D deficiency symptoms #1 – weak immune system

While getting ill and picking up colds now and again is normal, frequent illness could be a sign of vitamin D deficiency.

One study in children showed “a correlation between vitamin D levels and incidence and severity of LRTI [Lower Respiratory Tract Infections]” while another concluded “Vitamin D supplementation was safe and it protected against acute respiratory tract infection”.

A further study concluded that supplementing with vitamin D “significantly increased the probability of staying infection free

Vitamin D deficiency symptoms #2 – fatigue

vitamin d deficiency symptoms fatigue

Fatigue is a tricky one because there’s a huge range of reasons why you’re getting tired. But if you’re ticking the big boxes of good sleep, hydration, nutrition and exercise then a vitamin D deficiency might be worth exploring.

Low vitamin D levels have been linked to poor sleep (which of course leads to fatigue). Indeed, one observational study of nurses – renowned for poor sleep habits – found a “high prevalence of fatigue among nurses could be attributed to vitamin D deficiency.”

Vitamin D deficiency symptoms #3 – bone pain

Vitamin D contributes to strong, healthy bones primarily through its ability to aid the absorption of calcium.

This study found a “high prevalence of hypovitaminosis D was observed in patients with LBP [lower back pain]”.

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Sore bones and muscles are another sign of a vitamin D deficiency

Vitamin D deficiency symptoms #4 – muscle pain

It’s thought the link between vitamin D and muscle weakness stems from pain signalling pathways. In one study, 71% of participants suffering from chronic muscle pain were also vitamin d deficient.

Another found “insufficient vitamin D plays a role in specific musculoskeletal pain, sarcopenia [muscle mass loss] and falls related to cognitive dysfunction.”

Vitamin D deficiency symptoms #5 – low mood or depression

A bit like fatigue, low mood or depression can be caused by many factors. You might be struggling at work or in your relationship, or simply experienced seasonal affective disorder (SAD). But it’s also a sign of vitamin D deficiency.

One systematic review of observational studies found that “low vitamin D concentration is associated with depression”.

33Fuel vitamin d deficiency symptoms - fatigue is a sign of deficiency

While depression has many causes, one is low levels of vitamin D

Another study randomized 15 participants with SAD to either receive a one-time dose of vitamin D or phototherapy. They reported that depression decreased more in those who received vitamin D. For anyone wishing to read deeper into vitamin D and depression, this is a comprehensive article.

Vitamin D deficiency symptoms – get tested by your doctor

While all the above are great signs of a vitamin D deficiency, the best way to know for sure is to get tested. Your doctor will look for symptoms and can arrange a blood test to determine for sure.

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