How to balance life, work and training

High-powered CEO and serial ultrarunner Jakob Bloch is this week’s guest on the 33Fuel podcast. In this interview, Jakob explains how to balance life, work and training and shares tips on how you can squeeze more into your days
Listen to Jakob Bloch on the 33Fuel podcast
The CEO of a headhunting and knowledge firm, Jakob Bloch has a very serious ultrarunning habit. He competes with impressive regularity given his work and family commitments. Based in the UK, he travels frequently to Asia spending weeks each year jet-lagged and with disrupted routines.
But he doesn’t partake in ultras to just make up the numbers – he’s very competitive, most recently bagging 7th overall at the Vermont 100.
Listen to the interview with Jakob Bloch on your favourite platform
Or watch the interview with Jakob Bloch on the 33Fuel YouTube Channel
33Fuel podcast: Jakob Bloch show snippets – on how to manage jet lag with running
“For me, it’s a matter of understanding what impact different run distances have on you. I know what length run will wipe me out and which will give me an energy boost.
An energy booster, if you’re tight for time, is a fast 5km or if you’ve time, it’s a fast(ish) 10km. Those are distances and intensities that give me an energy boost.
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If I want to be tired, I need to get to the half marathon distance, which may be an urban run in Singapore for example before work. Anything between 16-25km will normally have a god jet-lag equalising effect and help me go to sleep and wake up relatively adjusted time-wise.”
Jakob has been using our chia energy gels for years and credits them with powering him through ultras like the Marathon des Sables, UTMB and Vermont 100
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