The 33Fuel Blog

10 Off Season Pro Tips
For most, race season is over. It’s now time to relax, take some time away from structured training and enjoy the chill. But unless you’re retiring from sport, you’ll want to find a balance between recuperating and being ready for...
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Oral Health And Weight Loss
Maintaining a healthy mouth isn’t just about preventing trips to the dentist - the mouth is a great window into your overall health and there’s a major link between oral health and weight loss than goes way beyond the sheer volume of food going inWith its processed sugars and sweeteners, ordinary sports nutrition isn’t promoting [...]
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How To Avoid Ultra-Processed Foods

Ultra-processed foods have become all too common in our diets. Laden with unhealthy additives, excessive sugars and unhealthy fats which can have catastrophic health implications, they can be hard to avoid, but in this blog you'll learn tips to help you avoid ultra-processed foods more easily

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Inflammation And Food - What's The Deal?
Inflammation lets us heal and recover from training stress, but too much inflammation increases bad stuff like cancer and heart disease risks. Inflammation levels and food choices are inextricably linked so make sure you're inflammation levels - and performance - are optimal with our guide to all things inflammation and food
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